For the Beauty of the Earth

“Hope is the name of such a place. Here, hope is a lived experience emerging from a process…hope is born from within our inmost life. Far from being an idle nostalgia or happy optimism, with such hope there is a sense of humility and patience for, as a lived experience, it is discovered as a gift delivered through perseverance. There is also an inclusiveness with hope, a sense of non-judgmental generosity that embraces all aspects of our experience that have led up to this point; the seemingly wrong turns if not dead ends, the conundrums, the sense of failure. With the arrival at this place of hope, everything is placed in a different perspective as now everything belongs.”

In “For the Beauty of the Earth,” published in Franciscan Connections, Father Sam Fuller explores the the beauty of creation and our relationship with it, as well as the concepts of how this relationship expands our identity, our faith, and our hope for these days.

To read the full document, please visit For the Beauty of the Earth