IREJN’s Small Grant Recipients in 2025

IREJN is excited to support religious communities as they address climate change, energy, food justice, and biodiversity loss. Below is the list of religious communities that have received grants so far in 2025.

Energy Efficiency Small Grant Fund

Shiloh Baptist Church, Hartford – $1,000

First Congregational Church, Willimantic – $1,000

Omega Seventh Day Adventist Church, New Haven- $1000

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Hartford – $1,000

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, East Haddam – $1,000

Trinity on the Green, New Haven – $1,000

Lynn Johnson Memorial Garden Grant Fund

Vegetable Gardens

Our Lady Queen of Peace, Coventry & Storrs – $1,000

Sterling Nature Preserve & Sanctuary, Hartford – $1,000

Church of the Good Shepherd, Shelton – $800

Our Savior Lutheran Church, Thomaston – $750

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Ridgefield – $500

Pollinator Gardens

Congregational Church of North Stonington – $250

St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church, Fairfield – $250

Applications are still being accepted for our Energy Efficiency Grant Fund – grants are processed on a rolling basis. Applications are also being accepted for the Lynn Johnson Memorial Garden Grant Fund. To learn more, visit

Thank you to all of the supporters who make these grant programs possible! Your support helps houses of worship make a difference in their communities, while also addressing climate change and intersecting issues.