
Terri Eickel
Terri Eickel helped found the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network when she was in college, initially organizing the religious community in CT around dirty fossil fuel plants, called the Sooty Six. A career in opera and classical singing took her around the country, but she remained involved in non-profit leadership roles, bringing vision and expertise as the Executive Director of the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation where she developed and implemented their Therapeutic Research in Accelerated Discovery (TRIAD) research program. As the Director of Development for the CT Cancer Foundation, Terri created and expanded several fundraisers to raise funds for CT cancer patients. She also worked with the Avalonia Land Conservancy in southeast CT as their Director of Development, creating award-winning outreach programs for people with disabilities and fundraising to save over 1,000 acres of open space during her time with the land trust.
With IREJN, Terri helped develop and lead the organization’s Green Forum series, which focused on a variety of topics, such as climate change, energy efficiency, toxic chemicals, pollinators, solar energy, and environmental justice. As of March 2023, Terri became the full-time Executive Director of IREJN and is currently leading their initiatives on energy efficiency and food justice, as well as environmental advocacy on the state and national level.