Green Houses of Worship

Level Three


  1. Host an interfaith prayer service in your community for the planet.
  2. Plant a community garden and dedicate it with a prayer service. Donate a portion of the produce to the local food pantry and those in need.


  1. Conduct an adult education program to examine all aspects of transportation
  2. Sponsor a Solarize event at your house of worship to encourage people in your town to install solar on their homes.
  3. Assist encourage members to adopt green steps in their homes and businesses.
  4. Review your congregation’s financial investment portfolios and develop strategies for divestment from fossil fuel exploration and extraction.
  5. Host an IREJN Green Forum or individual program  (guest speaker, film or book discussion) on the global issues of sustainability e.g., consumerism, regenerative agriculture, plastic reduction, ocean impacts and climate migration.


  1. Install solar panels at your house of worship.
  2. Plant trees to capture carbon and reduce carbon dioxide in the air.
  3. Host a education session on divestment for your members
  4. Buy Energy Star appliances.
  5. Install low-flow water fixtures or tankless water heaters.
  6. Plant a community garden and donate a portion to your local food bank.
  7. Implement low-water lawn care and native landscaping.
  8. Install solar hot water heaters.
  9. Run a weatherization campaign for individuals through the Home Energy Solutions program with Energize CT with a goal of 80% of your congregation’s households participating.  Encourage your house of worship participate in IREJN’s Home Energy Assessment Competition.
  10. Install an electric car charging station.

Connect & Advocate

  1. Participate in IREJN’s legislative lobbying efforts and advocate for environmental legislation.
  2. Bring a group from your house of worship to a rally to end environmental racism and injustice.
  3. Join with other sustainability groups to facilitate community action and advocacy.
  4. Encourage and support the involvement of youth with environmental justice issues and organizations.