- Make a sign to display or hang a banner, proclaiming your love for the earth! Send us a picture at terri@irejn.org and we will post it on our website.
- Go outside and pick up the litter in your neighborhood, and recycle what you can.
- Plant a tree virtually or physically, by using United Church of Christ’s and Interfaith Power & Light’s campaign.
- Virtually lobby for the environment by calling or e-mailing your state legislator or senator, your congressperson, Senator Murphy or Senator Blumenthal. Educate yourself on current legislative bills at the CT League of Conservation Voters.
- Join IREJN! Become part of the only statewide network of faith-based environmentalists in Connecticut. IREJN is also the CT affiliate for the Interfaith Power & Light, so you are also automatically a member of CT IPL, too! Other great organizations include Clean Water Action, the Sierra Club, 350CT, and the League of Conservation Voters.