IREJN’s Five Ideas for Climate Action

  1. Make a sign to display or hang a banner, proclaiming your love for the earth! Send us a picture at and we will post it on our website.
  2. Go outside and pick up the litter in your neighborhood, and recycle what you can.
  3. Plant a tree virtually or physically, by using United Church of Christ’s and Interfaith Power & Light’s campaign.
  4. Virtually lobby for the environment by calling or e-mailing your state legislator or senator, your congressperson, Senator Murphy or Senator Blumenthal. Educate yourself on current legislative bills at the CT League of Conservation Voters.
  5. Join IREJN! Become part of the only statewide network of faith-based environmentalists in Connecticut. IREJN is also the CT affiliate for the Interfaith Power & Light, so you are also automatically a member of CT IPL, too! Other great organizations include Clean Water Action, the Sierra Club, 350CT, and the League of Conservation Voters.