Legislative Victory on Offshore Wind – Next Steps

From our friends at the CT Roundtable on Climate & Jobs:

Last week, the Energy & Technology Committee passed two bills that would strengthen CT’s commitment to offshore wind. As they were taking that critical step, legislators spoke out about the need for further improvements to the language before a bill moves to the floor of the House or Senate for a vote.

We were pleased that legislators specifically called out two of our priorities: (1) establishing a commitment to 2000 MW of offshore wind, and (2) making that commitment a “mandate” rather than just providing CT DEEP with procurement “authority.”

The revised committee bill (HB 7156) also includes strong labor provisions to ensure in-state jobs with good wages and safety standards, along with environmental protections designed to mitigate any negative impacts on wildlife and ecosystems, as well as the commercial fishing industry.

In the weeks ahead, we expect to seek your help in securing your legislators’ support for the final bill, but for now, please send the committee’s co-chairs (Sen. Needleman and Rep. Arconti) a brief note:

Subject: “Thank You for Offshore Wind”
“Thank you for helping to secure passage of HB7156 that strengthens CT’s commitment to offshore wind. Please ensure that further amendments provide a mandate requiring solicitations of at least 2000 MW of offshore wind by 2030.”
[Be sure to include your name and address.]

Find their contact information here