Restoring Your Spirit Small Groups
Maintaining Purpose and Hope as Environmental Activists
In this time of ecological and human crises, the work of environmental activists and advocates is essential, life giving. For many, this work comes from someplace deep within the heart and spirit. For some, it is a calling which arises from within to work with others for the good of all creation, for the mutual enhancement of all life.
However, as environmental activists know so well, this critical work can also be frustrating, anxiety or anger producing and can drain or deaden the spirit and harden the heart. Some simply “burn out.” We need to take care of ourselves, to care for our inner lives, to restore our spirits. Restoring the Spirit is an opportunity to meet monthly with a small group of others engaged in the work of environmental activism to share what is going on in our inner lives, our heart and spirit, and to listen to one another in supportive ways. Facilitated by Tom Carr…., the primary purpose of this monthly group is to walk alongside of each other on her or his journey, recognizing that we all need to care for and restore our spirits. Each month, all will be invited to share, reflect upon and discern one’s purpose in working to protect and preserve Earth and people, one’s calling, and how this is impacting one’s inner life.
Times and locations will be announced soon. For more information, please contact Terri at