Green Houses of Worship is a three tiered, environmental stewardship program sponsored by the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network that grants certificates of achievement for implementing eco-friendly measures in your building and within your congregations. The Green Houses of Worship has three levels, each signifying a deeper level of commitment and effort. Each level has four categories: Celebrate, Educate, Reduce, and Connect & Advocate.

Every faith tradition speaks of the importance of caring for the planet and its inhabitants. With choices from Celebrate, you can create a worship service or study group for your congregation. Choose from options to celebrate the goodness of the planet through sacred text, song, and religious tradition.

As individuals and as faith communities, we can make a difference. Choose from options to educate members of your house of worship about important environmental issues, like toxic pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change, and how we can address these challenges together.

Make positive, practical change for the planet by reducing use of fossil fuels and toxic chemicals. Choose options that help reduce your faith community's carbon footprint and chemical use, while increasing your choice of eco-friendly products.

Help your faith community connect with efforts to make change at the local, state, and national level. Advocate for policy that addresses climate change and toxic pollution, and promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation, wildlife protection, land conservation, non-toxic chemicals, and environmental justice.

Every faith tradition speaks of the importance of caring for the planet and its inhabitants. With choices from Celebrate, you can create a worship service or study group for your congregation. Choose from options to celebrate the goodness of the planet through sacred text, song, and religious tradition.
How the Program Works
The Green Houses of Worship has three levels, each signifying a deeper level of commitment and effort. To complete a level, your congregation must check off at least twelve items from the checklist for that level.
Upon completion of each level, your community will send the completed checklist to IREJN.
Certificate of Completion
After receipt of the completed paperwork, a Green Houses of Worship representative will visit your house of worship and present your faith community with a certificate of achievement for you to display. Green Houses of Worship is done on the honor system and the program is retroactive – you can receive a certificate for work completed in the past, such as energy efficiency measures or a tree planting.
Informational Session
To raise awareness about the Green Houses of Worship program, we are asking for interested congregations to host an informational session and invite 5-10 faith communities from their area. However, this is not required to participate in the Green Houses of Worship program.
Select a level to view its checklist.
If you have any questions or would like to host an informational session, please contact Letty Naigles at