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Climate Change, Energy, Take Action, Toxic Chemicals, Uncategorized

Green Forum Series 2019-2020

IREJN is proud to announce our Green Forum series for the 2019-2020 season. We are adding more forums and locations, so please check back regularly. Our Green Forums are a chance to get educated and TAKE ACTION! Our Green Forums include light refreshments and educational materials. To increase accessibility, they are free, but we ask for donations from anyone who is able to support our work. Even a few dollars makes a difference!


IREJN’s 3rd Annual Earthkeepers Dinner

Please join us on Wednesday, May 1 at the Pond House Cafe for IREJN’s 3rd Annual Earthkeeper Dinner for an elegant evening of delicious food, inspiring speakers, and meaningful connections. We will award the John W. Spaeth III Earthkeeper Award to John Humphries, Director of the CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs.

Take Action, Toxic Chemicals

Take Action to Ban Plastic Bags in CT

SB 1003- An Act Concerning Single-Use Plastic and Paper Bags has received a public hearing and now must be voted out of committee before the 3/29 deadline. There is an Environment committee meeting scheduled for this Monday, but the agenda has not been posted yet. We need everyone to contact the Environment Committee leadership and urge them to vote this bill out of committee as soon as possible!