Catholic Environmental Awareness Meeting
Join the Norwich Diocese and IREJN for an important workshop that looks at environmental stewardship through the lens of the Catholic faith on Wednesday, October 23 from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.
Join the Norwich Diocese and IREJN for an important workshop that looks at environmental stewardship through the lens of the Catholic faith on Wednesday, October 23 from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.
The Youth Climate Strike on Friday, Sept 21 was awesome with well over 1,000 people standing up for immediate climate action. Check out some great pics of the rally!
Join St. John’s Episcopal Church in Vernon for a screening of Paris to Pittsburgh on Sunday, September 22 at 5:00
In support of the youth global climate strike, we are asking everyone to walk, bike, carpool, or take public transportation to their house of worship on the weekend of September 20 through September 22. Please RSVP and let us know you will be participating!
IREJN is proud to announce our Green Forum series for the 2019-2020 season. We are adding more forums and locations, so please check back regularly. Our Green Forums are a chance to get educated and TAKE ACTION! Our Green Forums include light refreshments and educational materials. To increase accessibility, they are free, but we ask for donations from anyone who is able to support our work. Even a few dollars makes a difference!
As of June 2, 2019, here is a partial list of some of the bills that we are following. We will update as we know more. Please take action – the legislative session ends Wednesday, June 5 – let’s get these bills passed!
Come to our Green Forum on Divestment on Sunday, June 2 from 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm to learn why fossil fuel stocks are consistently underperforming and how you can divest your portfolio. This event is free, but please RSVP.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Green Forum on Plastic Pollution – the turnout was awesome and everyone was super energized to take action on plastic pollution.
There are LOTS of great things happening in April! Please join us for one (or more) of these great events!
Last week, the Energy & Technology Committee passed two bills that would strengthen CT’s commitment to offshore wind. Please take action today to keep the bill moving forward!
Showing an environmental film is a great way to educate your community. To assist you in your work to build an environmental ministry, IREJN has complied a list of recommended environmental films for your religious community to screen at your house of worship.